Photographing guys
Published: 25.08.2020

Brutal men and hot macho in photos drive girls crazy. Many men secretly dream of such attention from women. And everyone wants to look cooler than the guy on the poster. Want to help your man, but don't know how to photograph men? Our tips will help you create a cool male photoshoot.
How many times have you heard men say, "I don't like being photographed"? And all because they want to look in photos like models on billboards. Plus, photographers believe that there are too few options for male poses. Although in reality, it's the opposite. We will tell you how to photograph guys so that the photos bring pleasure not only to you, but also to your models.
The optimal way to move forward with men is to ensure that he feels relaxed and confident. Make sure that the theme of the photoshoot suits his personality. If your guy usually wears classic clothes in real life but wants to dress like a rapper for the photoshoot, give him some friendly advice on this matter. We may all think we are rock stars, but not everyone can pull it off. Once the photoshoot theme is agreed upon, wardrobe and location are chosen, the next step is posing for the photoshoot.
Direct hit.
A natural smile in a photo is a hundred percent guarantee of success. Before the photoshoot, talk to the guy, let him relax. When you are sure he is ready for a dialogue, capture his natural smile in the lens. The guy's face is the most important part of the image. Use a shallow depth of field to make the background blurry and emphasize the positive emotions.
Focus on the guy's eyes. In most cases, a man's facial expression is serious. A great way to relax a male model is to take several close-up shots of just his face, focusing on his eyes. Ask the man to start with a serious expression, then to look thoughtful, smirk, and finally, smile beautifully. This will help understand which expression suits the person's face best.
Come up with different storylines to get the facial expression that best fits the environment or theme. For example, imagine yourself speeding behind the wheel of a Bugatti.
- use a long lens;
- Set the aperture to f 2.8 (this will allow you to play with depth of field).
- A direct look into the camera is the best way to photograph a full man (shooting in profile removes extra cheeks and neck).
- Avoid excessive tilting of the head;
- Slightly protruding chin elongates the neck.
In men's hands - there is great power. Hands - in themselves are a photograph. Don't take your eyes off them. Ask the man to play with his own watch, cufflinks or hold something related to the theme. Use minimal editing, as the viewer will want to see scars, veins, freckles and the story that hands depict.
Approaching the camera
It is easiest to photograph men on the street. Ask the guy to walk towards you at a normal pace, looking around in different directions. Let him hold a phone, a jacket, or an umbrella in his hands. A good posture while walking and a neutral facial expression will give the photo a natural look.
- Face away from the camera. Let the man turn away from the lens as if he is thinking in his head about how to earn the next million. Capture this pose inblack and white colorMonochrome gives a serious tone to the image.
- Leaning. You can lean against a wall, furniture, or a car. Take a photo of a guy leaning with his back or just his shoulder. Choose the best option.
If you want to show a guy as masculine, combine two poses in one. Let the man lean, for example, against a wall. And turn his head towards the camera. Eye contact with the camera and support behind the back create a sense of reliability and sincerity.
On the chair
The pose allows for multiple positions. You can use any place where you can sit, even on the ground. Take this pose from the side and ask the person to look into the distance or at the camera at an angle. Take a few shots while the subject is not looking at the camera.close-up.
A chair is a versatile assistant for both the photographer and the model.
- Seat the guy on a chair facing you. Let him lean forward, putting his elbows on his knees and clasping his hands.
- Turn the chair around so the guy can lean his hands on the backrest.
- Place the chair at a slight angle to the camera. The man's gaze can be directed straight ahead or tilted towards the lens.
Pay attention to the height of the man's chin. Typically, male poses require a serious or thoughtful expression. Be sure to emphasize this.
Create a Light album from cool photos. You don't need to print the photos separately. We will print your photos directly on the pages of the Light album. Upload images to the free editor Mapi7 and create a themed Light album. You can upload photos from your phone.
From behind
When photographing a man, think outside the box. This doesn't mean you have to photograph him cuddling with kittens (although it would make a nice photo). If you're looking for something unusual, try photographing the man from behind. Have him turn away from the camera, and then look back in your direction. This pose is great for showcasing the jawline.
If a guy is overweight, shoot from above. This shooting option makes the subject appear slimmer.
Favorite photos are a reason to create photo magnets. Round, square-shaped magnets, magnets with shaped edges, or magnetic puzzles are the perfect souvenir. They don't need a shelf or album. Refrigerators, computer cases, cars, and other surfaces that are always visible are the perfect place for magnetic photos.
Remember the rules of photography, read tips on how to learn to take photos. Apply the rule of thirds. UseSepia effectTake cool photos. Our tips and desire to photograph the guy will transform his image from boring to brilliant. And cool photos deserve a place not only in the gallery of your smartphone or laptop's disk. Upload images to a freeEditor Mapi7And create a male Portfolio.
Get inspired by our tips and take photos of guys. Cool guys are not on billboards or in movies. They are right here. You just need to know how to photograph men.