Photo in jump and flying objects in the picture
Published: 28.01.2020
![Photo in jump and flying objects in the picture - фото](/assets/images/blog/foto-v-pryzhke-i-letayushhie-predmety-na-snimke/foto-v-pryzhke-i-letayushhie-predmety-na-snimke-11.jpg)
Jumping photos and flying objects in a picture are intriguing. Capturing levitation is difficult, but interesting. We will tell you how to make shooting easier and take original jumping photos.
Levitation photography, or gravitational photography, is fascinating. The process of creating such a photo requires unconventional thinking. Engage your imagination and overcome the force of gravity.
Preparation for shooting
Plan and think through the levitation shoot. Preparation "before" will lead to a great result "after". Take a camera with manual focus options. Prepare a tripod. When shooting levitation, you cannot move the camera even by a millimeter, so a tripod is essential.
Think about what will hold the model in place. Use a ladder, chair, or steps as props. If the model's hair is supposed to be blowing, bring a fan with you.
If you are planning to shoot outdoors, choose the right time of day. Photos of jumping and flying objects look perfect on cloudy days. After the shoot, the photos will need editing. It is necessary to combine several images, and the absence of sunlight and a large number of shadows simplifies the tasks.
Support.You need to shoot two scenes. First, shoot a scene with the model. Create a composition. Consider the angles from which you will shoot. Set up the camera on a tripod. Determine the focus point of the object. Make sure the chosen angle is perfect. Switch the camera to manual focus.
Photograph the scene without the model and inventory for reference. Control the lighting, exposure, focus, focal length, and white balance. Everything should be the same in the shot with the model and without. Take multiple shots of each scene. This will make it easier to choose the best option for the final photograph.
Shoot the scene from a low angle to create the illusion of the object floating in the air. However, do not lower the camera below the level of the chair or ladder you are using to support the model. Otherwise, the support will block part of the object and no editor will be able to fix the situation.
The support method is complex for models. The body needs to be kept in a horizontal position on an uncomfortable support.
If one stool is not enough, use two. Or ask an assistant to hold the model with their hands.
People rarely lie on a chair with their stomach or chest, so for the effect in the picture, it is best to lean on the prop in that way.
It is important that most of the body is in a relaxed position. Find a pose for the model that does not give away whether they are lying down or sitting. This will enhance the illusion of weightlessness.
Post-processing is necessary for photos taken with a tripod. The final image is a composition of two or more photographs. Combine the shots in Photoshop, upload them to the free editor Mapi7, and create a thematic.Light Albumand show the world magic.
Jump.The method is simple and complex at the same time. The complexity lies in the difficulty of predicting how the jump will turn out. The simplicity lies in the absence of props and subsequent post-processing of the photos.
Get ready for a lengthy process. The model should jump high enough to appear floating. It is not just about jumping up, but also about striking the right poses. Regular jumps will not look like levitation.
Taking a photo at the moment of a jump is difficult. It is hard to capture the clothing, hair, and facial expression in the frame. Be prepared that not all shots will be successful. Most of the time, the beginning or end of the action is captured in the frame. Several attempts will lead to the desired result.
Choose a low point of view, as in the method with support. The jump in the picture appears higher than in real life. The visual impact is stronger.
If you are shooting two or more models jumping, it can be difficult to focus on all the subjects at once. Therefore, focus on the subject that is closer to the camera lens.
A person's gaze first falls on the foreground. And if the first plane is sharp, the impression of sharpness is guaranteed. Even if the object in the background is out of focus.
Be patient and get a great shot. But there are limitations to this method. You won't get shots where the legs are above the head. Unless you involve a parkour athlete or acrobat in the shoot.
To make a jumping photo interesting and lively, consider the following:
Continuous shooting mode.Hold down the shutter button and take a series of shots. This way you will capture the jump from takeoff to landing. With continuous shooting mode, you won't miss the peak moment of the jump.
Use the stillness of objects. To emphasize the energy of movement, create a contrast with a stationary object. The action will stand out strongly in the photograph.
One, two, three - jump! Arms to the side, star, bomb, somersault, free fall - these are just a few ideas for jumps. Ask the models to create shapes in the jump. Trust me, it will be cool!
Location of the shoot.There are many photos of people jumping. But one detail distinguishes a cool photo from a regular one - the background. Natural landscapes and the sky are attractive on their own. It's worth taking advantage of this. But city streets also hide a lot of unusual things. Photos taken on the streets always tell a story. Take photos of jumps against the background of old buildings or bright graffiti. It will look quite impressive.
Floating objects.You are not limited to shooting only people. Add floating objects to the frame. Any items can serve as additional accessories. Umbrellas, books, even dishes. Hang objects on a string and take pictures.
Continuous shooting mode is available on many smartphones. The photo taken in mid-air is just as good as on a camera.
The main secret of a cool levitation photo is a good mood. When a person jumps, they involuntarily tense their face. If you can't relax the people you're photographing, make them laugh. Laughter and jumps will create a sense of carefreeness and happiness in the picture.
Jumping photos and flying objects can be mysterious and fun. They can tell a story or reveal a personality.
Regardless of the purpose of the unusual photo shoot, follow our advice.
Jumping and flying photos will definitely stand out against other pictures. People are always attracted to originality. And many also believe in magic.
Every photo in a jump is a masterpiece! Don't hide unique shots from the viewers on your phones and cameras. A worthy way to showcase your talent is to print a photo in a jump on canvas.
Unleash your creative potential. Create the illusion of weightlessness. Become a wizard for a moment, mastering gravity. Jumping photos - the first steps towards an amazing levitation effect photograph.